Conferences on Business Process Management

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6th BPM Expert Forum on May 10, 2022

Skills of a Successful Process Analyst

The sixth BPM Expert Forum took place on May 10, 2022, with Dirk Fahland and Rafael Accorsi.



Dr. Dirk Fahland

Dirk Fahland is an Associate Professor in Process Analytics on Multi-Dimensional Event Data at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He is responsible for the Master Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at TU/e. His research area is the analysis and improvement of complex, distributed systems through event data, process mining, and explainable models. He specifically studies cause-effect relations and emergent behavior in networks and dynamic systems as a whole. Insights gained in numerous industrial projects led to the idea of encoding behavioral information in knowledge graphs, a cornerstone of “Thinking Assistants”.


The availability of large amounts of data and a democratization of powerful data analysis and model learning techniques has been a blessing for new ways of data-driven problem analysis - especially in process management. It however remains a challenge to actually use these capabilities for solving problems in practice in a way that are robust, reliable, fair, and secure.

During the expert forum, I will share some lessons I learned during the development of the Master program on “Data Science and Artificial Intelligence”. I will specifically highlight what it takes to do a “Good Job” as an Engineer in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, and what we can learn from this for the BPM and Process Science community.

Dr. Rafael Accorsi

Rafael is a Principal Director at Accenture Switzerland. He co-leads the process mining in Europe and is responsible for the delivery of large, multinational projects. His journey on process mining starts back in 2005. Since 2014 he has been applying process mining in industry, shaping high performance delivery groups and transformation projects. Rafael is specialized in Digital Transformation from MIT Sloan School of Management (USA). He holds a PhD degree on Computer Science from the University of Freiburg (DE) and a MSc. degree on Computational Logic from the University of Amsterdam (NL).

Talking Points

  1. On the fallacy of a single-person process mining point of delivery
  2. Different types of industries call out for different process mining focal points
  3. Roles in a process mining delivery team