The famous BPMN 2.0 poster created by the “Berliner BPM-Offensive” gives you a handy overview of the BPMN modelling elements and is available for free download.
This poster was created in 2010 and translated by researchers and practitioners from around the world. Many thanks to the institutions and people who supported this initiative and made it possible to share this poster with you.
In particular, we would like to thank the following people and institutions:
Original Authors:
Gero Decker, Jakob Freund, Alexander Lübbe, Jan Mendling, Frank Puhlmann, Torben Schreiter, Matthias Weidlich
Translations provided by the following people/organisations:
French: Trisotech; Spanish: Ildefonso Montero, Luciano García-Bañuelos, Marlon Dumas; Russian: Business Process Technology Group at Hasso-Plattner-Institute; Swedish: Birger Andersson and Petia Wohed; Dutch:; Portoguese: Lucinéia Heloisa Thom, Cirano Iochpe, Polish: MGX Infoservice; Hebrew: Ofir Nimitz and Iftah Peretz; Ukrainian: Oleksandr Maistrenko and Artem Polyvyanyy; Chinese: A/Prof Zhang and Lecturer Ms Bai from School of Software Engineering in Beijing Jiaotong University; Hungarian: Istvan Gerecs; Persian: Hamidreza Sarabadani.